Thursday, December 2, 2010

math jokes

Theorem. A cat has nine tails.

Proof. No cat has eight tails. Since one cat has one more tail than no cat, it must have nine tails.

 Q: How can you tell that a mathematician is extroverted?
A: When talking to you, he looks at your shoes instead of at his. 

A woman in a bar tries to pick up a mathematician.
"How old, do you think, am I?" she asks coyly.
"Well - 18 by that fire in your eyes, 19 by that glow on your cheeks, 20 by that radiance of your face, and adding that up is something you can probably do for yourself..."

Q: What is the difference between a Ph.D. in mathematics and a large pizza?
A: A large pizza can feed a family of four...

Q: What is sour, yellow, and equivalent to the axiom of choice...
A: Zorn's lemon...

Q: What is polite and works for the phone company?
A: A deferential operator...

Q: What is purple and commutative?
A: An abelian grape...

1 comment:

  1. I some times think ,there will be a moment that you say: sheet! i wana come back to my mathematical life and take out of this psychologic uniform!!! . will it happen??
